You have probably long been familiar with the term „fair trade“. Thanks to years of commitment by organisations and Third World shops, most industrialised countries now offer a wide range of products from developing countries at fair prices for the benefit of the producers living there.
Only Fair Trade fishes are still nowhere to be found on the market. This is astonishing, as fishes are one of the most traded products from South to North – and this trade in particular is usually more exploitative than fair.
From 2004 to 2010, fair‑fish worked together with small fisheries in Senegal to establish an export of fishes to Europe. In addition to animal welfare concerns, the project also pursued a problem that remains unresolved to this day: the fair remuneration of all those involved in the supply chain. You can download the fishing guidelines that emerged from this project – the first and so far only of their kind – at the bottom of this page.
As no trading partner in Europe was prepared to support a step-by-step development, the project had to be cancelled in 2010. So far, we have not been able to finance a new edition of the project.
© Billo Heinzpeter Studer
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