What would you like to leave behind for the world? Would you like to make a lasting contribution to the respectful treatment of fishes and other aquatic life?
What we do – and why
The fair‑fish association has been campaigning for fishes since its establishment in 2000 – especially for those fishes that are caught or farmed for our food. We do this because fishes are traditionally held in low esteem: At best, they are protected as biomass, but are hardly recognised as living beings. Yet they experience joy and suffering in a similar way to cats, dogs, pigs, or cattle.
We are committed to ensuring that fishes are caught with consideration and kept in an animal-friendly manner. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring that the fishes' habitat is protected and that the people who catch or farm fishes are paid fairly for their work.
What our commitment achieves
Until recently, fishes have received far too little public attention, even in animal welfare circles. Thanks to fair‑fish, this is changing: Awareness is gradually growing that fishes are sentient animals, too. And they are tens of thousands of very different, fascinating species – a world still to be discovered!
Leaving something that lasts
With a bequest, you can ensure that your legacy lives on after your death and contributes towards paying these fascinating creatures the respect they deserve. Like our founder – and my predecessor – I am personally and persistently committed to better fishing and aquaculture. What I keep my focus on is our vision to change people's attitudes towards fishes. We try to achieve that by disseminating research findings – that fishes are sentient, for example, and suffer during fishing. Then, we work towards translating these findings into better fishing methods or better consumer behaviour.
I would be happy to discuss the idea of including fair‑fish in a bequest with you in a personal meeting without any obligation. If you are interested, please give me a call or contact me!
Executive director of fair‑fish
Tel.: +41 79 255 61 77
Mail: fausta...
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