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fair-fish promotes the electrical stunning

Our team member Yannick Rohrer, project manager for animal welfare in aquaculture, advocates the correct stunning of shrimp before they are killed by immersing them in ice slurry.

In the article on the Lucky Shrimp company in Winterthur, Switzerland, Yannick criticises: „The shrimps of the species that Lucky Shrimp breeds show strong escape behaviour within the first 20 seconds in ice slurry“. After that, the shrimps fall into a state of immobility, although their brains remain very active for another two minutes. The shrimps could therefore still feel pain and stress. fair‑fish recommends electrical stunning before immersion in ice slurry. An increasing number of consumers and retailers are aligning with this approach. fair‑fish hopes that Lucky Shrimp will also change its mind: „So that their shrimp are definitely lucky even in the last minutes of their lives,“ says Yannick.

You can find the full article from 1 August 2024 on and (paywall)


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We are passionate about aquatic animals and are committed to the welfare and protection of these fascinating creatures. Our goal is to change people's awareness of fishes, cephalopods, malacostracta, etc. so that they are perceived as living creatures and not just suppliers of protein. We want to give a voice to these supposedly mute animals, billions of which lose their lives every year, either directly for human consumption or as food for other animals.

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