During the catching process, fishes are subjected to pain, respiratory distress, and stress. And after they have been hoisted on board, the still-living animals are panicked and usually suffocate in agony. Although we already know that rapid stunning and slaughter are very important, the reality of fishing is still a long way off – the welfare of fishes caught in the wild has been severely neglected in practice, research, and policy.
The Carefish/catch project aims to promote better fishing standards by pursuing 5 main objectives:
Further information and all the latest news about Carefish/catch can be found on the project website.
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During the catching process, fishes are subjected to pain, respiratory distress, and stress. And after they have been hoisted on board, the still-living animals are panicked and usually suffocate in agony. Although we already know that rapid stunning and slaughter are very important, the reality of fishing is still a long way off – the welfare of fishes caught in the wild has been severely neglected in practice, research, and policy.
The Carefish/catch project aims to promote better fishing standards by pursuing 5 main objectives:
Further information and all the latest news about Carefish/catch can be found on the project website .