Date: April 24th, 2025, 3.00 p.m. (CET)
Event language: English
Ticket costs: free
Registration: open
The fair‑fish database compiles ethological knowledge on aquatic species to enhance fish welfare. It provides detailed profiles on various species, covering aspects such as their natural behaviours, habitat preferences, and welfare considerations in both wild and captive environments. It is freely accessible and widely used within the scientific community. The database provides a credible scientific foundation for implementing animal welfare criteria in fisheries and aquaculture. This has proven very valuable, leading to various collaborations, such as recommendations for the Aquaculture Advisory Council of the European Commission and participation in the Catch Welfare Platform.
fair‑fish not only manages but also continuously expands and develops this unique resource. As an NGO dedicated to improving the welfare of aquatic animals in captivity, reducing harm during capture, and promoting a shift in people's perception of and attitude towards fishes, we actively use the database to advance research and inform better practices.
We are committed to maintaining the fair‑fish database as a core resource in the coming years. Additionally, we aim to enhance access for professionals in fish farming and fisheries as well as civil society organizations, including NGOs and regulatory bodies.
In order to present the possibilities, functions, latest improvements, and user-friendliness of the fair‑fish database, we are organizing this online event.
You are welcome to register now for the Online Shoal of fair‑fish (see below). We are looking forward to motivated discussion partners!
Time | Description |
3.00 p.m. | Fausta Borsani: Welcome |
Dr. Jenny Volstorf: Introduction to the database and look into the catch branch (fisheries). What can the fair‑fish database contribute to fish welfare in fisheries? | |
Dr. Paolo Panizzon: What is behind a WelfareScore in aquaculture? From the identification of species to the assessment of welfare. | |
Dr. Carol Marques Maia: Research with data from the fair‑fish database. | |
Yannick Rohrer: Counsel the aquaculture industry through the fair‑fish database and improve it for practitioners. | |
Work in three parallel break-out groups
| |
Reports from the break-out groups and plenary discussion | |
6.00 p.m. | End |
Register at: online-shoal...
If the link does not work for you, please copy&paste the e-mail address into your e-mail program.
Please specify your full name and the breakout group you would like to participate in.
Out of respect for the other participants and so that we can all take something meaningful from the event, please only register if you are able and willing to attend the entire event.
We will record the presentations (not the break-out groups discussions). We will provide the recordings through our newsletter.
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