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We are delighted to announce that we have a new president! We elected him unanimously at the last General Assembly on 22 May 2024. We were able to win Prof. Dr Ralph Schill, biologist and professor at the University of Stuttgart and Managing Director of aquatil gGmbH, for this important honorary position at fair‑fish. Thanks to him and a strengthened board, we will continue to develop in the direction of Europe and do even more for the welfare of fish in fisheries and aquaculture.


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We are passionate about aquatic animals and are committed to the welfare and protection of these fascinating creatures. Our goal is to change people's awareness of fishes, cephalopods, malacostracta, etc. so that they are perceived as living creatures and not just suppliers of protein. We want to give a voice to these supposedly mute animals, billions of which lose their lives every year, either directly for human consumption or as food for other animals.

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