We are a non-profit organisation passionate about the protection and welfare of the approximately 2.3 trillion fishes and countless other aquatic animals that lose their lives each year – whether directly for human consumption or as food for other animals.
We do not receive any government funding for this work, even though we are doing something that advances our society – and has an impact on so many things: Just imagine what is possible when children learn respect for animals and habitats! Just imagine what is possible when we truly realise that we all share a single earth.
With your donation, you can make a direct contribution to supporting our work and enabling sustainable and animal-friendly husbandry and ethical fishing. Together we can make a difference and help ensure that fishes and aquatic life are kept in a species-appropriate manner and caught and killed with respect.
Support us now if you have the opportunity to do so.
Association fair‑fish international
Weiherweg 4
CH-8610 Uster
Bank: Postfinance, 3030 Bern, Switzerland
For donations in Swiss francs:
IBAN: CH68 0900 0000 8503 8259 6
For donations in euros:
IBAN: CH51 0900 0000 9136 2602 9
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